




“My role is to serve

as a valuable extension

of your family,

wholeheartedly enriching

and nurturing

your growing children.”

—Heidi D


💬  👨‍👩‍👧‍👦   💬


👍 “Thank you so much Heidi for everything you’ve been to my life all these years! You are the best childcare provider ever . . . a light-bringing breath of fresh air . . . and a uniquely beautiful person! You live from your heart and it shows.” -Gina (mother of 2)  


👍 “Heidi, thank you for giving 100% of your love and attention to my children!” -Rochel (mother of 4) 


👍 “Heidi is exceptional . . . beautiful inside & out . . . and absolutely the best person to take care of our children. When I met Heidi, I knew from the beginning that she is THE ONE I can trust and feel comfortable leaving my kids with. She is warm, kind, loving, and full of positive energy. My kids are always laughing and having so much fun with her. She comes up with wonderful stories and fun game ideas, which my sons love! (And your house will be nice and tidy when you come back home.) She is the best!  We love Heidi!!!” -Maggie (mother of 2)


👍 “Heidi is the best we’ve ever had! My kids absolutely love her and begged for her to come back. She is caring, patient, nurturing, enthusiastic, fun, responsible, and excellent with children! Highly recommended!” -Miri (mother of 2)


👍 “As a new parent, I’ve learned so much from Heidi. She has a wealth of knowledge and provides unparalleled tenderness to the children in her care.” -Demi (mother of 2)


👍 “We love Heidi! She is warm, authentic, and filled with love and energy! Our son always asks for her to come play and he gives her the biggest, sweetest hug when she comes (he is not a big hugger to other people besides us parents). We know that they have the best time together, and more importantly the best quality of time. Heidi is genuinely excited to see and spend time with our son, and knows how to handle his energy. We highly recommend her!” -Alicia (mother of 1)


👍 “Heidi has a very loving and positive energy. She’s great with creative play and such a kind person.” -Diana (mother of 1)


👍 “Heidi has been an absolute miracle for our son! We nicknamed her ‘The Real Mary Poppins’ because the kids [my little boy and my best friend’s daughters] absolutely LOVE and gravitate to her positive and always fun energy! She is experienced, so sweet, a real joy to have around, and most of all the kids look forward to her coming back again and again. A true angel we’d highly recommend to any family!” -Sara (mother of 2)


👍 “Heidi is wonderful. My daughter loves her. Amazing with kids. I highly recommend her!” -Revi (mother of 3)


👍 “I do not know anyone as fun and loving with children as Heidi!” -Maria (mother of 1)


👍 “Heidi is the modern day Mary Poppins in every way!” -Stephanie (mother of 2)


❖ 5 star childcare & family support

❖ educational and creative playtime

❖ fun indoor and outdoor adventures

❖ mentoring / tutoring / homework help

❖ domestic management and organization

❖ gourmet meals + snack & school lunch prep

❖ detailed Nanny Log for parents, sharing your little one’s daily or weekly progress

❖ parental guidance for health, wellness, nutrition, grocery shopping, and conscious child-rearing

❖ activities centered on nature outings, artistic expression, emotional development, and volunteerism

❖ attentive, professional care for newborns & up, during afternoons & evenings, in non-smoking, pet-free homes


✔ Experienced and reputable

✔ Highly organized, clean and tidy

✔ Kosher / Vegan / Organic / Holistic

✔ Over 15 years of professional experience

✔ Founder of children’s nonprofit organization

✔ Excellent references throughout South Florida


“From newborns to teenagers,
I have been blessed
to be part of the growth
and well being
of our young rising leader
for over 15 years!”
— Heidi D


“What Am I Made Of?” — by Heidi D
©️ 2023
Earlier this year,
one of the many projects
I facilitated
with my little ones
(elementary school age)

was making baby books.
We had a lot of fun
and they even helped color
a page in mine.

Can you guess which one? 🙂
Enjoy this “baby book” . . . for everyone!

Today this divine 1 YEAR OLD spontaneously created a picnic (using his new toy kitchen and pretend food items).  He NEATLY set the table ON HIS OWN – putting out plates, utensils, and a nice spread of cuisine for us to enjoy.  We sat together for about 20 minutes in his playroom, having an elegant meal and lots of chit chat.  He even placed a little loaf of bread in his toy oven, pressed the buttons accordingly, and then brought it out so hospitably to serve me, motioning that it was ‘hot hot hot’ to the touch and that I should blow on it first, to cool it off . . . all because he remembers how things are when we cook real food each week.  In fact, he even remembers to grab an oven mitt when food is ready (in the real kitchen).  He’s always a step ahead!  ♡  Since the moment he could walk, Apollo has been thrilled to be my helper in every way ~ from filling a pot with water, to waiting for it to bubble on the stove, to seasoning food with various spices, to properly putting away items from the dishwasher, and even vacuuming right beside me for Chore Time.  This child does everything with joy and focus.  And because he’s such a giant, brilliant, ancient soul . . . I sometimes forget how brand new he is (not even 2 years old yet!) ♡ BEST DAY EVER.

 . . . in love with this sweet, sensitive, super deep and smart little boy!  ♡  He surprises and delights me week after week.  Every moment we share is a treasure I cherish in my heart.  His laugh is my ear candy. His inquisitive nature challenges me and brings me to new heights as a human being. Together we explore our paradise with awe and wonderment.  And though he hasn’t yet learned to speak words in English, I understand his special way of communicating . . . and our godversations flow with ease.  He loves to look at colorful books, play in the warm sand, and observe people for great lengths of time.  I am exalted in his presence.

Saturday night was a BLAST with the amazing Elai & Maya!  ♡  We created an original song, had a dance party, engaged in a super fun “sword” fight, participated in a Blueberry Savoring Contest (to see who could chew the slowest and allow the flavor to maximally explode in their mouth), cuddled up for an hour of story time (reading books as well as storytelling from our imagination), and had some of their Mommy’s famous ‘milk & honey’ concoction before bed.  I love these kids and how full of life and laughter they are.  In our world, all good things are possible!

Steeped in play, I glance down
Watching my little drummer boy
As he takes in a splendorous ecology

Class is free . . . as is he.

Bathed in ocean breeze
We breathe

Awed by birds in unison
Tickled by silly peek-a-boos
And chases around the park

We embark
On yet another present

Fortified by our aliveness
Trees speaking
Children laughing
Hearts that beat their merry rhythm

To it all, we listen.

My precious bundle of pure deliciousness!  ♡  What greater joy exists than to spend our days going on adventures, having fun at the library and the park, running from pirates, sailing the seas, saving baby elephants, having picnics, cooking meals together, building things (and of course, getting to knock them over afterward), creating art, and rolling around in our world of imagination?!  ♡  “To infinity . . . and beyond!”

I savor every wonderful moment with my kiddies. ♡  Yesterday, I went on an outdoor scavenger hunt with my amazing 4 year old pal, Aiden. We each had a walking stick in hand (which doubled as a weapon used to defeat the zombies we encountered), and we packed a bag of provisions (consisting of an iPod full of classic reggae songs, a teddy bear, and a container to hold treasures we came across). ♡ While following the light of the moon and the rhythm of our hearts, we found magical fun around every corner. Later on, we sailed out to sea and got caught in a (totally hilarious) thunderstorm that rocked our boat wildly from side to side! Fortunately my yellow-haired, pint-sized captain threw me a lifeline and saved me several times when I fell into the water. Little did I know we’d eventually end up stranded on an island and have to build a home for ourselves using the materials we found. ♡ After hours of adventuring, our quality time concluded with singing, reading/learning, and storytelling. ♡ And somehow . . . in the midst of such marvelous extravaganzas of creativity, imagination and bonding . . . healthy food was eaten, tiny teeth were thoroughly brushed, pajamas were put on, and eyelids gently closed as a wiped-out boy drifted serenely to dream land. ♡ It is an honor and joy to frolic for a living . . . to be compensated for being myself . . . and to care for those who equally care for me. When precious young children pat me on the back and say “I’ll protect you, Heidi” as we venture hand-in-hand into worlds that make us laugh and fill us with curiosity, eagerness and awe . . . I am humbled to my core, overcome with giddy delight and appreciation for the entirety of these extraordinary experiences. ♡ The unfiltered honesty. The commitment to the scenes we co-create. The fierce strength & empowerment juxtaposed with delicate vulnerability and hesitation. The dance between instinct, intuition and intellect . . . between charging forward with no abandon and exercising caution like a timid voyager. It’s all so fascinating and amusing and beautiful. ♡ No day is the same. Tender impressions are made. Memories tide us over until we reunite for more Expansion (via play) . . . more Love (via accommodation & negotiation, compassion & cuddles) . . . more Connection (by way of simple presence with each other’s colorful, familiar Soul Essence). ♡ “Hi old friend”, we say enthusiastically, embracing yet again, in another time and place, with our new roles and new face. ♡ What a strange and wondrous journey.